-What is the treatment for depression?

-Is there a cure for this or not?

-I have depression, so will I have to spend my entire life with this depression?

These are some questions that come to people’s mind

The question also comes to the mind of some people,

-how long will the treatment of depression last?

-Is depression curable through medicines or can it also be treated through counseling?

-Do I need to change my diet or change my lifestyle to recover from depression?

Today we are writing this article to answer all the questions running in your mind.

Hello Everyone,

I’m Dr. Vinod Mune (Senior Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Hypnotherapy Specialist) and today I’m going to address you towards the Treatment of Depression. (What are the Causes of Depression?) (What are the Symptoms of Depression?)

Regarding depression, I always say that depression is nothing but a lack of expression. So, the initial remedy for depression is expressing yourself. Now, the real question is, do you share with someone at home, or do you turn to a friend for support? Or should you seek help from a professional who will listen to you? Or it may be that you don’t know how to express yourself well and who has enough patience to listen and understand you.

These are some questions that may be in the mind of every person going through depression. Let me address your concern: if you’re dealing with depression, don’t fret. It’s treatable even without medication; you can overcome it without relying on pills. 

The need for medicines in depression is seen only when your depression is increased, initially to control the extremely negative thoughts going on in your mind like suicidal thoughts, many medicines are given which reduce the activity of serotonin in your body. But keep in mind, that a lasting solution involves effective treatments like counseling, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, life skills guidance, dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, enhanced exercise, meditation, and cultivating a positive mindset—all powerful remedies for depression.. You can come out from your depression without medicine, no matter what is the reason for your depression. (Because of your relationship problems, because of your financial crises, or because of some trauma, Depression due to an accident) any reason can be treated easily.

The ones that help the most in depression are psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. What is psychotherapy and hypnotherapy? There are many different techniques in psychotherapy. But the most powerful and popular therapy for depression is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) in which the way of your thinking should be changed. CBT includes three things – your thoughts, emotions and behavior (This beautiful science teaches you how your thoughts are interconnected, how your emotions are connected, and how your emotions influence your behavior) we taught you all the techniques of how you can think differently about the same situation and make yourself feel good. Along with this we made you to express yourself and we taught you many beneficial tricks and techniques to treat your depression.

Including this Hypnotherapy was also a very effective treatment. Hypnotherapy helps neutralize deep sadness from your subconscious mind. It’s a very beautiful journey in which the reprogramming of your mind is done more healthily and it’s a 100% safe treatment because neither any machine is used in it nor any medicine is used in it. Now there is Life skills counseling in which you can improve your lifestyle and connect with nature and by keeping in mind the 5 elements of which we are made, you can release all the negative hormones and chemicals from your body naturally. Introducing you to the importance of affirmations was also done in the life skills counseling.

Now at last I just want to say that if you give priority to your mental health then only you can fight and prevent yourself from the severe mental illness called depression accompany me in my journey to promote mental health awareness in people and make India a depression free country so that the stigma and taboo related to mental disorders were removed from the mind of society. It’s my humble request to all dear readers that please prioritize your mental health as you have concerns about your physical health.

Thanks for reading!

Stay happy and always spread positivity.