Pervasive Developmental Disorder

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The term “pervasive development disorders,” also called PDDs, refers to a group of

conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills, most notably

the ability to socialize with others, to communicate, and to use imagination. In these condition the was confuse in their thinking and generally have problems

understanding the world around them. Because these conditions typically are identified

in children around 3 years of age, a critical period in a child’s development, they are

called developmental disorders. Although the condition begins far earlier than 3 years

of age, parents often do not notice a problem until the child is a toddler who is not

walking, talking, or developing as well as other children of the same age..

 The use of the word “pervasive” to describe these illnesses is somewhat misleading.

The definition of pervasive is “to be present throughout,” but children with PDDs

generally do not have problems in all areas of functioning. Rather, most children with

PDDs have specific problem areas and often function very well in other areas.

Children with PDDs, such as autism, can display a wide range of symptoms that can

range in severity from mild to disabling. They also vary widely in their individual

abilities, intelligence, and behavior

General symptoms that may be present to some

degree in a person with a PDD include:

  • Difficulty with verbal communication, including problems using and understanding.
  • Language..
  • Difficulty with non-verbal communication, such as gestures and facial expressions.
  • Difficulty with social interaction, including relating to people and to his or her.
  • Surroundings.
  • Unusual ways of playing with toys and other objects.
  • Difficulty adjusting to changes in routine or familiar surroundings.
  • Repetitive body movements or patterns of behavior, such as hand flapping.
  • spinning and head banging.
  • Changing response to sound (The child may be very sensitive to some noises and seem to not hear others).
  • Temper tantrums .
  • Difficulty sleeping .
  • Aggressive behavior.
  • Fearfulness or anxiety. 

By hypnosis

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