my name is dr.Mune Hypnotherapist at Nagpur. In my hypnotherapy practice i found that the psychological and psychosomatic disorders has comman factor that is fear. I mean to say, every mental and physical health problem root cause is fear. and that fear comes since childhood or since the child is in mother womb, and some fear are created due to day to day life incidence. for example if you are not felling confident means you are scared about some thing. the health issues like diabetes, cancer,migraine, skin problems ,phobia panic attack, anxiety etc .because of fear . once any one can free from fear in his life then he become healthy. in my perspective physical problems are the symptoms of mental illness. hence mental cure is important for any disease. so my humble request to all readers to take care of mental health, because this is the main reason of your health. https://youtu.be/zdXLvJHlPPQ