It has been estimated that approximately one of every ten major depressive episodes

is caused by medical illness, substance abuse, or medication used to treat another

disorder .Almost one of every four hospitalized medical patients has

depressive symptoms Approximately 27–57% of patients

with certain neurologic conditions

 develop symptoms of severe depression at some

point during their illness. For medical conditions that do not directly affect the brain,

prevalence rates appear to be more variable, ranging from less than 8% (for chronic

renal disease), to 19% (for coronary artery disease, to 40% (for primary


The diagnostic criteria for mood disorder due to a general medical condition are less

vigorous than those for the primarily psychiatric mood disorders and require only the

presence of depressed mood/diminished enjoyment or elevated, expansive, or irritable

mood .Regarding the medical illness, the required signs, symptoms,

and laboratory findings are simply those that, in conjunction with the clinical history,

yield the medical diagnosis.

  • Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders- Fourth Edition-

Text Revised the diagnosis of mood disorder due to general medical condition is

done when:

a) the person has significant disturbance in mood that includes either (or both) of

depressed mood or significantly reduced level of interest or pleasure in most or

all activities, mood that is euphoric, heightened, or irritable,

b) the person’s symptoms are directly related to the presence of a medical condition,

c) another disorder does not better explain the mood disturbance,

d) the mood condition is not present only when a person is delirious

e) the symptoms are a cause of great distress or difficulty in functioning at home,

  • The essential feature of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is a

prominent and persistent disturbance in mood that is judged to be due to the direct

physiological effects of a general medical condition. The mood disturbance may


 depressed mood

 markedly diminished interest or pleasure

 elevated, expansive, or irritable mood.

  • The predominant symptom type may be indicated by using one of the following
  • subtypes:

 With Depressive Features,

 With Major Depressive–Like Episode,

 With Manic Features, or

 With Mixed Features.

  • `Mood swings…….

 Chemical imbalance has been blamed for this problem howe ever many people have normalized their emotional stability through mental persuasion . Try it before you overdose  on medications that may have serious side effect you will learn to listen to your mind wisdom to rationalize  before you emotionalize self hypnosis can be turning point to lift your spirits from low to high permanently 

See yourself coming out of a state of lathering with rush of a self confidence and powerful energy use your movie of the mind to spur a new kind of action

Suggestion : 

I have changed my altitude from negative to positive I have filled with hope and live in the movement to celebrate the joy of life….

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