Our autonomous nervous system come under subconscious mind, it will work on our inborn DNA programming and day to day life thoughts , feeling and emotion program since childhood that is call as creative programming through traumas, events in our life. What you think ,feel,you […]
ADVANTAGES OF DERMATOGLYPHICS TEST FOR ADULTS:There is a MYTH that Dermatoglyphics tests are only useful for children and should not be done by Adults. It is assumed, that an Adult has now reached that stage of life, where he/she has to continue living as is/ […]
Physical symptom’s of Anxiet Hedace , Sweating , Palpitation , Shortness of Breath , Hyperventilation , Dry mouth , Indigestion , Increase bowel and urinary frequency , Irritable bowel syndrome , swelling , Difficulty muscular aches , pains ,Dizziness , Shaking skin irritation ,Constant minor […]
Events in early life periscope some people to unconsciously re invent the original trauma . This is correctable with positive reprogramming while under the medium to deep trance state . This enable once again clarity about oneself and separate facts from unrealistic worries This problem […]
Memory Recall: your mental whorehouse has vast accumulation of helpful information but also a great backlog of use less debris . This sooner give your mind house cleaning the biter you memory will be . Hypnosis is the broom which sweep it clean .When bad […]
usually accompanies deep snoring and irregular breathing pattern . This can lead to the cessation of breathing , where the victims awaken with short and then goes back to sleep or in more severe cases , affect the normal hear beat . Picture of yourself […]
Hypnosis the Brain trainer this is a wondrous computer like brain is constantly exercising control over both the voluntary involuntary system of your body . it determines all of its action based on records and memories of past suggestion .with neuroscience permitting us inc readable […]
Algohobia …….. An unreasonable fear to pain. Not only can the fear be removed but the pain can actually Be diminished and in cases of motivated subjects completely erases a medium trance state is best for this problem because contact needs to be […]
Anger Alleviation Beneath simmering temper is the anxiety and fear of being hurt . Humiliation tends to trigger a flare up of explosive emotion . anger makes us more susceptible to disease from common cold to serious problem of immune system . Imagine Picture yourself […]
Events in early life periscopes some people to unconsciously re invent the original trauma . This is correctable with positive reprogramming while under the medium to deep trance state . This enable once again clarity about oneself and separate facts from unrealistic worries. This problem […]