Stress In Mother The effects of maternal stress is less important than the effects of maternal nutrition but some researches finding support that maternal stress may also affect fetus develop ( Stretcher and Halton, 1982 ) . It seems  that means maternal emotions could influence  […]


APHASIA Home 2020 November 19 APHASIA Posted on November 19, 2020 Aphasia is an impairment of language functioning caused by damaged to the left hemisphere of the brain  (Garrett , 2003 ; Hills &  Caramazza , 2003 ) . There are different type of aphasic […]


Fear of Flying can also originate as another anxiety disorder, as like generalized anxiety that become more sever in controlled situation of an aircraft Other than in the past the fear of Flying occur more frequently. Phobias also can fear of Spiders , snakes, closed […]

Subconscious Mind

Subconscious Mind Home 2021 February 15 Subconscious Mind Posted on February 15, 2021 The subconscious mind only think in present….Doesn’t know the difference between what is real and what is imagined…………It is also ill-logical, ir-rational and non-analytical and believes any think weather it make no […]

Brainwave States

Brainwaves state like all waves are measured in following two ways….. That are Brainwave Frequency / state is the first state and the speed of the electrical phase… Frequency is measured in cycles per second (cps), ranging from .5 cps. to 38 cps. The brainwave […]